Lessons From Mindset Coaching in 2022

by | Jan 3, 2023

I joined a mindset coaching community (Jason Drees Coaching) last January as I had set goals for 2022 to get a coach, attend an event, and take a course to help with personal development.

After just a few short sessions, I came up with an “impossible” goal for my W-2, and I shared it during our annual kickoff meeting.  Everyone at the event looked at me as though I had two heads.  Clearly my mindset shift made others feel uncomfortable.

Fast forward a full year, I’ve been laid off my W-2, started a capital raising business, attended countless in person events, joined an amazing mindset mastermind, and just committed to my 2nd 6-month professional coaching contract.  The mindset shift has been significant.

Here’s some of the things that I’ve learned along the way:

·      Randy 2.0 is a version of me that is confident, excited, energetic, strong, a teacher, generous, certain, and has and can again accomplish things beyond my wildest dreams

·      I don’t have to play small to make others feel comfortable

·      I have a responsibility to go all in, be too much, and be 100% Randy.  The world doesn’t benefit from a vanilla version of Randy

·      I can copy others to be good, but I can only reach my full potential by being 100% me

·      Impossible goals that get me excited help to uncover new ideas and frames that will lead to new and amazing results

·      If my energy is low or I’m not feeling passion, I probably need to take a break and slow down

·      I do far too many things that I feel are my duty that I end up resenting later

·      Ungrounded ego is arrogance and grounded ego is confidence

·      When my 6-year-old Randy mind tells me I can’t do it, I can thank him, and tell him that 50-year Randy is in charge.  I am enough, I can do anything!

·      It’s important for me to position myself or I will be positioned by others

·      Rushing contains a belief of scarcity that I will not be able to get it done

·      People want to hear about what you’ve learned, who you’ve met, and what you’re excited about

·      If I go up to someone and introduce myself within the first 5 minutes of walking in to a networking event, I will meet more people, help more people, and enjoy the event more

·      I take full ownership of my life and everything in it.  I know exactly what to do!

·      Done is better than perfect, version one is better than version none, get going and then get good – A standard of perfection will not lead to the results that I desire

With my new and improving mindset that has been provided by the coaching and guidance from Jason and the JDC community, I’ve already helped 38 investors place $2.63MM in capital in amazing cash flowing real estate deals, I joined an amazing group of cohosts and relaunched a great podcast called The Gentle Art of Crushing It, and I’ve formed many relationships that will no doubt help me bring amazing value and content to my audiences for years to come.

Thanks to the mindset shift I went through over the past year, 2022 was one of our best years yet.  I’m excited to see what 2023 will bring, and I’m eager to partner with many of you as well.

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